Sunday, March 15, 2015

Log 314: What Did You Do This Weekend?

I took a trip to Kansas City

Where I met Kent McCord!

And It wasn't like I just shook his hand, had a brief conversation, got an autograph then left. No, I saw him two days in a row and spoke with him for over an hour! It was so amazing, there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe what I am feeling.

This story starts many months ago when I saw this on Facebook:
As soon as I saw that, I knew I had to get to Kansas City. But how could I get there? I live in South Carolina and I didn't have the money to pay for a flight and a hotel, I also didn't have endless amounts of time to drive there. My problem was solved when it was announced that we would be getting bonuses at work. Now I had the funding to fly there. Which meant I would only have to take 1 or 2 days off from work. I requested vacation time and booked my flight and hotel. I was on my way.
After walking around with a goofy smile on my face for weeks, I finally left for Kansas City on Friday, March 13th. As I was sitting on the plane I kept thinking, "This is crazy! What am I doing? I am flying hundreds of miles to meet an actor from a TV show, this is nuts!" Once I landed in Kansas City, my thoughts alternated between "this is nuts" and "this is gonna be great". I kept vacillating between excitement and apprehension as I picked up my rental car and drove to the hotel. 
Once I checked in, ate lunch, and unpacked it was time to go to the con. As I entered the hall my legs felt like Jell-o and my heart was about to pound right out of my chest. I almost chickened out, I couldn't meet Kent in this condition! Luckily, I didn't have to. I found his booth, but Kent was nowhere in sight.
So, I walked around. I came back, still no Kent. I decided I would meet Erin Gray while I waited. She's beautiful and so friendly! She told me about a movie she made with Kent in which she played his wife.But, they were not a happy couple in the movie. Which meant that, sadly, she did not get to kiss him in the movie. 

During my meet and greet with Erin, Kent had returned to his booth! By now I was no longer nervous, I walked right up to his table and said, "I flew all the way from South Carolina just to see you." Thankfully, Kent's response was not, "That's nice, wacko." No, he was incredibly nice. I told him about this blog and he asked what I did on the blog. I told him how I recap a different episode every week. He then inquired if had any favorite episodes. I immediately answered  that Vice Versa and It All Happened So Fast were my favorites. I was amazed that he knew the story lines of both. (If I made 174 of something 45 years ago, I wouldn't remember any details.) He agreed that It All Happened So Fast was a great episode, he thinks it is one of the best of the entire series.
I gave Kent one of these cards that I made to promote the blog. Hopefully, he'll check it out. But if he does, don't expect anymore posts. I'll be dead from extreme happiness.
As we were talking, some other fans came up to Kent's booth. I got ready to leave, I couldn't take up all of his time, he had other people who wanted to see him. Then, something incredible happened. Kent told me to stay and hang out with him! 
So, I stayed. I told Kent about my son's Cub Scout pinewood derby and the Adam-12 car I built for the parent's division. I then showed him the pictures of the car on my phone. He liked them so much, he asked that I hand him the phone so he could show the pictures to his assistant.
I made this!

It's a "Reedster", not a roadster. 
Thankfully, Kent did not notice that I also had the following picture on my phone. If he did, I would have been mortified.
Can you blame me for wanting to keep this?
I continued to hang out with Kent until the comicon shut down for the day. It was such an unbelievable time. He told me stories about Jack Webb, working on Adam-12, the tow rig car, Ozzie and Harriet, his work with SAG, his ride alongs with the LAPD. He showed some of his pictures on his iPad. It was amazing!
He told me about the first time he and Marty showed up to film Adam-12. Marty had yawned and said he couldn't sleep the night before, this immediately set a nervous Kent at ease. He wasn't able to sleep, either, and he felt better knowing that a veteran actor like Marty also had a sleepless night.
He also commented that all of the stories from Adam-12 would be relevant today, society still faces the same problems. The only difference between then and now is the communication technologies. An episode like The Search could never happen today. In this day and age, they would find Pete right away thanks to cell phones and GPS.
Of course, I also got some autographs and a picture. I had to have proof that this actually happened to me.
He signed this Christmas card I bought from the Martin Milner Ebay sale. Which reminded Kent of a story about the time he and Marty were on the Tonight Show. Joan Rivers was the guest host and they wanted to bring a pig on stage with them as a joke. Joan wouldn't allow it!
I also got this picture signed.
I'm never washing that shirt again.
At 7:00pm the con closed for the day and I let Kent know that I would be back the next day, I had pre-booked a professional photo-op with him and I would be attending his Q&A panel. I went back to my hotel with a 10-foot smile on my face. 
Back in my room, I plugged in my phone and called home. I probably busted my husband's eardrum with my squeal of delight when he answered. After I talked to my husband and my mother, I cried. I had so many emotions pent up in me, they just came flooding out in tears. I tried to sleep Friday night, but the combination of hotel bed and extreme joy meant I only slept about 4 hours.

The next day I arrived at the comicon around noon. I aimlessly walked around for awhile. Then I saw two teenaged girls in familiar peaked hats and dark blue uniforms. I tapped one of them on the shoulder and asked her if they were cosplaying Adam-12. She confirmed that she and her sister were dressed as Reed and Malloy. Their mother, who had been browsing a t-shirt rack, turned to face me. She was wearing the same t-shirt I had on the day before! The weekend then got even better, they had just met Kent and he told them about me! He told the mother that we had the same t-shirt and he told them about the blog! I was speechless, Kent McCord was promoting my blog!
Shortly after that it was time for my professional photo with Kent. We met at the photo area and he remembered my name! He only met me the day before, how did he do that? I have worked with people for months and can't remember their name. Anyway, as soon as the photographer took the shot, I knew it was going to be a great picture. I was having a really good hair day.
OK, you wanna see the professional picture? Before you see this, I have to warn you: it is stunning. I should know, I have spent hours staring at it.
Dear husband, take down all the wedding pictures. They are being replaced with this. (I'm never washing this shirt, either.)
Before we parted ways Kent asked me if I would be at the panel later in the afternoon. Of course I would be there, wild horses or dogs or pigs or thousands of people in strange costumes couldn't keep me away.

After I had lunch in a very crowded downtown Kansas City bar, it was time for the panel. I, along with the cosplaying girls and their mother, sat in the center of the front row. Before Kent came onstage, some clips of his work were played on the big screen they had set up. The Adam-12 clip was from the Dana Hall episode. Then Kent came out. Shortly after the introduction he asked if there were any questions. Guess whose Adam-12 obsessed hand shot up in the air? That's right, this girl's! I asked 2 questions:
1. Did he know what happened on Pete and Penny's date? (I was hoping there might have been an alternate script somewhere with an actual explanation of why Penny would not be a problem anymore.) He answered that he did not know. Oh well.

2. I asked if there was an Adam-12 blooper reel. Kent confirmed that, yes, there is one. He had one, but his copy disintegrated. It was filled with mistakes and jokes, many of which were not "family friendly". 
He told one story about a joke they played on Marty that was on the reel. They were filming in the tow car one cold night and Marty decided to have a shot of bourbon to keep warm. Drinking on the set was not something either of them ever did, but Marty made an exception on this particularly frigid evening. There was a delay in filming due to technical difficulties that night. While the crew worked on the problem, Marty had a few more shots to keep warm. Eventually, Marty went from toasty warm to just plain toasted and fell asleep in the driver's seat. Kent thought he would have a bit of fun, he signaled the cameraman to begin filming then roused Marty and told him it was time for "action". Marty attempted to "drive" the towed car several times, but just kept passing out. 

Kent went on to talk about his life, the influence Adam-12 had on police officers, and his current projects. It was truly fascinating. Here's a tid-bit I found interesting, while he was developing Nashville Beat Kent attended a conference of police chiefs in Colorado. Many of the chiefs asked him how they could get Adam-12, with it's true-to-life portrayal of police procedures, back on the air. Many of their officers were "playing it too loosey-goosey" imitating current cop shows and they were loosing a lot of convictions in court because of this. Kent replied that Adam-12 could never get back on the air now, it wasn't "sexy" enough. What!?!?
I beg to disagree.
But, all kidding aside, that story does speak volumes about the power of television and the responsibility of the entertainment industry. Two things that Kent takes very seriously.

At the end of the panel the moderator mentioned this blog and let me announce it's name. Oh, I forgot to mention that Kent introduced me and the cosplay girls to the entire audience at the beginning of his talk! 
As I was leaving the ballroom, I heard a familiar voice ask, "What did you think, Keely?" (OK, the gig is up, that's my real name.) I turned around and told Kent that I thought it was wonderful and thanked him for mentioning the blog. I walked and talked with him until we reached the "backstage" area where "regular" people like me weren't allowed. Since this would probably be the last time I would see him, I told Kent good-bye and hugged him. A perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

These two days have truly exceeded all expectations I had. I expected to get an autograph, a picture, and some questions answered during the panel. I never expected to have any type of personal interactions with Kent. I never dreamed he would promote this blog. I'm flabbergasted that he went out of his way to help me. I am just so amazed and happy. This has been, without a doubt, the best weekend of my entire life. Thank you, Kent McCord, for making this crazy trip to Kansas City worth every penny! 

See you next time! KMA-367


  1. I'm so thrilled for you that you had such a great weekend with Mr. McCord. At the same time, I've gotta tell you, I'll bet all the money in my pocket (there is none, I'm a damn coward) against all the money in yours that you gave him as good a weekend as he gave you. Imagine having done some work 45 years ago, and being told that it still has immense power and meaning to someone to this very day! (For the person in question to be such a babe is just icing on the cake!)

    So a great weekend for you both, and I'm happy for both of you!

    1. My husband echoed all of your same sentiments. It's hard for me to see it that way, because I'm so starstruck. I hope Mr. McCord did have a good time meeting me, that would be the icing on my cake.

  2. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful experience! What a fun weekend! Thanks for sharing it with us. I know you must put a ton of time and effort into this blog. I hope this experience brings you even more readers. You deserve it!

    1. Thanks! Well, something is definitely going on, this post already has 100+ views and it was published less than 24 hours ago! That never happens.

  3. I'm glad that Kent McCord was nice (and Erin Grey, too).

    That said, it might actually be more amazing that two teen girls were displaying as Reed and Malloy.

    1. Their costumes were really awesome and authentic looking, too.

  4. I'm glad that you had such a wonderful weekend! I'm sure he was as happy to meet you as you were to meet him.

    1. Thank you! I hope I did make Kent happy, he has given me a lot of happiness.

  5. Did Kent ever mention anything regarding Martin Milner or what he's up to these days?

    1. One of the other fans who visited his table did ask Martin, Kent replied that he is doing fine.

  6. Hello Keely! I have followed your Adam-12 Blog now for quite some time. Keely, I am over the moon for you after reading your amazing meeting Mr. Kent McCord!! I am surprised you are able to function after this amazing, incredible, unbelievable weekend!!!! You are beyond lucky and I just had to write and tell you how so unbelievably happy I am for you!!!! I have the same feelings as I read what you wonderfully went through that weekend meeting Kent McCord and this once in a lifetime treasure that you experienced!!!!! Seriously, I believe I am as happy for you with your experience as you are for yourself!!! I love Adam-12, Mr. Kent McCord and I very much love Mr. Martin Milner as "Officer Pete Malloy". My entire Facebook page is All "Officer Pete Malloy", which is Terry Dempsey, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania (right below Allentown, Pa friend!). So I am EXTREMELY HAPPY FOR YOU FOREVER AND ALSO...YOU ARE SO VERY LUCKY THAT YOU WON THE "MARTY" coffee mug...I was going to write you earlier about that....I am very, very happy for you on both of these "UNBELIEVABLE" happenings....You are so lucky and well-deserving!!! ENJOY FOREVER MY FRIEND THAT I NEVER MET!!! I just know you will never have an ending to those wonderful, wonderful memories and feelings!!!!! Take care Keely!!!!!

    1. Thanks for all your kind word and well wishes, Terry! It's good to hear from a long time reader. It's getting easier to function and focus since it has been a week, but thinking of meeting Kent still brings a smile to my face. You take care, too.

  7. Enjoyed hearing your delightful experience. A couple of years ago Kent was appearing at the Hollywood Autograph Show. My brother is a fan of Adam-12 so we went together. We also are both fans of Ozzie Nelson and his legacy. Kent was a delight to talk with and he shared his experiences of working on the Ozzie and Harriet Show as one of the "Fraternity Brothers" of Rick and Dave Nelson. We also had our picture taken with him and left feeling as good about him as you do.

  8. Wow! Great story!
    I have the same picture on my phone. ; )

  9. Keely, I've seen & shared many of your photos since I started my FB page after Martin Milner's death. I had discovered Adam-12 after retirement and had then received the full set of DVDs as my best-ever Christmas gift as an adult. Watching the show on oldies TV was how I learned about Martin's death, and since then, I've cruised every FB page & website I could find for pictures & info about Martin & Kent. You mentioned the movie Kent was in with Erin Gray, and I wondered if that was "Woman's Story". I have searched everywhere for a source to watch that movie, and all I can find is a preview and an excerpt. Apparently, it was only shown locally at a few places in CA. I would so love to see the whole thing, and to know how the plot turned out. It looks as though Kent played someone other than the handsome good-guy hero, but I'd like to think he turned out to be a good guy after all. I'd love to buy a DVD of this movie as well as Nashville Beat, but apparently there's no such thing. It's a wonderful thing that you got to meet Kent, and I'm so glad to have found your blog. I thought maybe from seeing all your pictures with him on your FB page that you might have been to more than one of his appearances, but your last blog entry makes me think it was only the one time. Will you go to more of his appearances if he does more? From your account, he seems like a very nice man. I'm happy for you that you got to meet him and spend time with him, and thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Hello, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous! I have a wonderful friend who has supplied me with DVD's of Kent's appearances in various shows and movies. She is a whiz at finding stuff like the 1974 TV movie "Beg, Borrow, or Steal", but not even she can find "Woman's Story". I would love to see it, too. Especially since Kent's daughter, Megan, is also in the movie. Maybe someday we'll get lucky.
      Nashville Beat is at least available to watch in it's entirety on You Tube. Although, I must confess, I've never watched it. I'll do it someday, I'm just not ready right now.
      Welcome to the blog! So glad you like it!

  10. I did find your later blog about seeing Kent at the event in Oct., 2015. YAY! What a neat man he is!

    1. He's a wonderful man! He will be making in appearance in September in Maryland, I'm planning to be there.

    2. Hi, Keely---I'm Ms. Anonymous (A/K/A bogey) and I LOVE your blog! I love the fact that you go to events where Kent appears. Can't wait to read about your seeing him in Sept., 2016. That will be around the first anniversary of Martin's death. So sad. (Did you see Kent's appearance at LAPD's memorial for Marty, or listen to his remarks on Let's Talk Hookup? It was so obvious from those events that they were really close friends.) I learned after the fact about the Comicon event you attended in KC, and it really made me think. I grew up in KC and don't live all that far from there now, but I've turned into a real curmudgeon about crowds & traffic. (I know, it's nothing like L.A. or N.Y., but I don't like ANY crowds or traffic any more. Love living here in our green space!) I might've reconsidered, though, if I'd known ahead of time that Kent McCord would be in KC. Could've just driven there! My FB page is mostly stuff I've collected about him & Martin Milner. (It's anonymous too.) Fell in love w/ both of them after discovering A-12 in retirement. In addition to A-12 in DVD, I have Galactica 1980, Airplane 2, the season of Dragnet where Kent appears as Paul, the rookie cop falsely accused, and the season of Diagnosis Murder where Kent & Marty appear in one episode together. A (more e-competent) friend has also ordered 2 seasons of SeaQuest DSV (with 5 appearances by Kent) for me. I keep looking for more things listed on his home page. I've never seen "Beg, Borrow or Steal", but I did happen onto the episode of "Love Boat" he was in. Thinking about getting Route 66, but have delayed since Kent isn't in it. I've watched Nashville Beat many times on You Tube, but I worry that they'll take it off someday. Don't know how long they keep things. That's why I would love to have it on DVD. Besides, the You Tube version kinda looks to me like a copy---not too sharp or clear. I did once see that a vhs tape of it had sold on e-bay, but have never seen anything about a DVD. I hope you do get to watch it someday. Both Kent & Marty are, of course, older in it, but they look great. Age & experience make them that much more appealing. It's amazing to me that a guy who was every girl's hunky hero from A-12 is really a nice, down-to-earth man. I am so happy for you that you've been able to spend "real" time with him.

    3. I did see Kent's appearance at the LAPD memorial and I heard him on "Let's Talk Hookup", it was obvious from those that he and Marty were so much more than costars. So, this is funny. You say you live near KC now? As I write this I'm in Olathe for work, I travel to KC/ Lenexa at least once a month. Small world, isn't it?
      I also have Galactica 1980, and the Diagnosis Murder with both of them. I've seen SeaQuest on Netflix. The first season is really good, you'll love it.

  11. Hey Keely, you sweet girl! I emailed the distributers and the two production companies seeing associated with that freakin' movie. I'm till tryin'! I have not heard back from that, but it has not been that long. Let you know an news if I get some!

  12. That's so cool that you travel into Johnson County. How do you like it there? I assume that you're acquainted with 435---I avoid it like the Plague and take the back roads. Don't think they'll EVER finish it! I remember when it was a great route, new enough that nobody traveled it. It was a really nice way to get around back then. Do you know much about the area? Like, that Olathe was on the Santa Fe Trail, and that one of the old stage stops is still there and open as a museum? Maybe you aren't into history, but I'm always fascinated by it. Anyway, that's a very interesting area you travel to---hope you're enjoying it! I was interested to see that your friend has e-mailed a couple of sources about "Woman's Story". I tried & tried to find someone to contact about it, but I never could. Here's hoping! BTW, it looks like you blog about the time I watch A-12 DVDs. Cheers to fun times!

    1. I like this area of Kansas, although I've never been to any other area of Kansas. lol
      I did not know that Olathe was on the Santa Fe trail. 435 is annoying, fortunately I don't have to travel that far on it when I'm here.

  13. I thought about you today after 4 p.m. when we were having episodes of wind & really heavy rain. Wondered if you were flying out of KCI in iffy weather. Hope your trip was uneventful!

    1. I was flying in that weather! The first 10 minutes of my flight were very bumpy!

    2. I'm glad it was only the first 10 minutes, and bet you were too!

  14. So glad you got to go Keely! And that's amazing that he remembered you! And that he promoted your blog :D

    That's so cool that those girls cosplayed as Jim and Pete! Wonder if they're still fans today?

    I looked up the 'Woman's Story' movie on YouTube to see if anyone had posted the full movie or any more clips since this blog but no luck, it's just the same clips that were already mentioned by other commenters.
