Episode 64
Reed responds with the usual, "1-Adam-12, roger," to the radio dispatch that they should see the manager at 1217 Mayberry Street about a zoning dispute. He then happily comments to his partner, "Good way to start the day, a nice nonviolent crime."
Malloy cautions his partner that it may not be a nonviolent call, but Reed still seems happy to handle it. Then a hot shot call comes over the radio and Reed's plan for a pleasant start to the shift goes awry. An officer has been shot at the liquor store. Since it's only a couple of blocks away, 1-Adam-12 will handle the call. The zoning dispute will have to wait.
When Malloy and Reed roll up to the liquor store a crowd has already gathered around the injured officer who's sitting on the sidewalk. He grimaces in pain as Malloy stoops down to talk to him. His leg is bandaged but blood from the gunshot wound seeps through the dressing. The bystanders are quiet except for one man who complains that Officer Quinn should have stayed on his "tricycle" since he could have gotten them both killed.
Hey, it's Mark VII favorite Stacy Harris. Jack Webb's daughter Stacy was named after Harris. |
Reed tries to talk with Quinn about the shooting, but the man in the beige cardigan just won't stop. The injured officer tells Reed and Malloy that he should have stopped the two suspects and the loud man interjects, "Yeah, you sure should have." By now Malloy's thoroughly annoyed with this guy. While he kneels next to Quinn, Malloy looks up at the loudmouth and asks, "Who are you, mister?" He answers that he's Carl Kegan, the owner of the store that was just robbed.
Knowing that Kegan was a witness to the shooting that brought down his fellow officer, Reed's got a few questions for him. Keegan's also got a few questions for Reed. He wants to know why they can't get "some decent cops" in the neighborhood "instead of these over-age rejects" like Quinn.
Meanwhile, Quinn provides Malloy with a complete description of the holdup man. He did have a nylon stocking over his face, but Quinn was still able to see that the man was five feet, ten inches tall, weighed one hundred and fifty pounds, was wearing a t-shirt and khaki slacks, and had a beard.
I can't stop staring at the back of Reed's neck here. It looks like he needs a trip to the barber to get it cleaned up with the clippers. |
The ambulance workers, who arrived while Quinn was talking with Malloy, load the injured officer onto a stretcher and begin wheeling him towards the red and white emergency vehicle. But, he has one last thing to tell Malloy. Malloy tells him to "forget it", but Quinn insists that he has tell him this "funny thing" he observed. Kegan had a gun and a clear shot, but he didn't fire.
Malloy reminds Kegan that the man he didn't want to shoot shot a policeman. |
Shortly after this, Mac, detectives, and backup units arrive on the scene. After Malloy briefs Mac on the circumstances, the commanding officer sends 1-Adam-12 to the hospital for a follow-up with Quinn.
Later, Mac joins Malloy and Reed at Quinn's bedside. The sergeant has good news for Quinn, he's just seen the doctor and found out that the motorcycle officer will be back in the saddle in no time.
Malloy brings Mac up to speed on the conversation he and Reed were having with Quinn. They were discussing Kegan and his reasons for not shooting at the suspects.
Mac finds it interesting that Kegan didn't fire due to moral reasons and inexperience with firearms. He looks at a file he has under his arm then tells Malloy and Reed to return to the liquor store and ask Kegan why he's lying. The folder Mac is carrying contains a crime report on a similar robbery that took place at Kegan's store a couple of years ago. However during that holdup Kegan shot it out with the two men, wounding one and killing the other.
For some reason Kegan is not happy to see these blue-suited babes. I bet Mrs. Kegan, if there is one, would be happy to see them. |
In fact, Kegan doesn't come clean until detective Boyd emerges from the store and informs everyone that they've found the getaway car based on the partial plate number Officer Quinn provided. The car, which does match the description Quinn gave, is owned by a man named Leonard Conway. Conway just happens to have two priors, one for grand theft auto and another for armed robbery.
Now that they've found the car does have local plates, Boyd wants to know why Kegan insisted it didn't. Kegan finally admits he lied after Boyd informs him that aiding and abetting is a felony. The man with the red hair is his younger brother Willis and "Conway is the bum he's been hanging out with for the past couple of months". When Kegan hears that Boyd is going to put out and APB for his brother and Conway, he's upset that the police are going to "hunt him down like a dog". Malloy clarifies why they are putting out the APB.
"No sir, even though he's already shot a policeman down like a dog. We just want him in custody so he can't shoot anymore people." |
Now that they are through with Kegan for the time being, Malloy decides that they should check out the zoning dispute call.
They meet with Mrs. Wade in her apartment, where she lives and reads horoscopes for profit. After Pete explains that she can't run her horoscope business from her apartment, which is in a residential area, Mrs. Wade admits that she's confused. She doesn't see the apartment as a place of business, it's where she lives.
Jim tries to make her understand that this is the problem, she can't charge for a horoscope reading in the same place that she is living. If she were to rent an office or a store, there would be no issue. Mrs. Wade protests, she can't afford to rent an office or a storefront. She doesn't want to violate the law, but she doesn't go anywhere other than her apartment and the senior citizen's club.
That gives Pete an idea, he thinks that Mrs. Wade should be able to get a license to read her horoscopes at the club.
This makes Mrs. Wade very happy. "Oh, Officer Malloy, how ingenious!" she squeals.
This makes Pete feel pretty smug.
This makes Jim...oh, who cares, just look at that face. |
Since Mrs. Wade is an expert on astrological signs, she has a hunch about Pete. She asks him if he's a Leo. Pete confirms her hunch and asks how she knew. She could tell because Pete has the personality of a Leo, strong and forceful with an underlying sensitivity. She then guesses that his exact birthdate is July 23rd. Once again, Pete admits that she's right. She also predicts, based on his birthdate, that Pete will witness an act of violence this month and he must try to stay out of it.
After they leave Mrs. Wade's, Reed remembers that Pete's birthday is in October! Malloy says that's just a technicality, at heart he's a Leo.
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OK, hold it, let's take a minute to discuss Peter J. Malloy's birthday. In the season one episode "Log 111: The Boa Constrictor", Pete tells snake owner and all-around squirrel Jane Alice Tipton that his birthday is March 17th. Now we hear in this episode that his birthday is in October. Which is it?
I think it's in October, and here's why. I think the date Pete gave Jane Tipton was false. He just picked a date out of his head, in this case St. Patrick's Day, to avoid giving the nutty Tipton any factual information about himself. I believe the October birthdate is true because there is another piece of evidence in the series to support this date. In the season five episode "The Surprise" Jim gives Pete the man-bag as a birthday gift and asks him if his birthday is on Sunday, the 15th. This episode originally aired in 1972. And in that year there was only one month in which the 15th fell on a Sunday, and that was October. So, based on my research, I conclude that Peter J. Malloy's true birthday is October 15th.
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Back to the car, where Jim is answering a radio call dispatching them to the pharmacy at Fifth and Wilshire for a narcotics suspect.
At the pharmacy, with it's groovy color-changing "Prescriptions" sign, Pete and Jim meet up with the pharmacist, Mr. Craig. He tells them about a boy who was in the store earlier that day. He seemed jumpy and nervous and he wanted some information on Seconal, it's uses, effects, and the signs of an overdose.
Hey, it's another Mark VII favorite, Howard Culver. The actor who also played the liquor store owner in the pilot episode. |
When the pharmacist pressured the boy as to the nature of his curiosity, he tried to run out of the store. Craig grabbed him and a large bottle of Seconal capsules fell out of his jacket. The boy then shoved him and ran out.
Malloy asks if he can describe the boy. Craig can do better than that, he knows the boys' name and his address since he lives right down the street.
[What is with these women and bridge, partner?] |
When Reed hands her his card and asks her to call when Terry comes home, this prompts Mrs. Pendleton to run off at the mouth again. This time she starts babbling about how she wants them to leave, not because she's being rude, but because she doesn't want Terry to be frightened by two police officers because he's such a sensitive boy. Once again Malloy has to verbally "slap" her back into reality.
"Ma'am, he only asked you to call." |
In the black and white, Reed broadcasts the description of the Pendleton boy then he and Malloy comment on his home life. It seemed to Reed that Terry "was bringing himself up". Malloy thinks, "May not be that bad, but she did lose my vote for mother of the year."
Terry is already sporting a windbreaker. As we all know, a windbreaker is the unofficial "uniform" of the Adam-12 bad guys, his future does not look bright. |
Pete confirms that he does and a relieved Terry asks to just be taken to the station. When Pete suggests that they go to his house instead since it's closer, Terry answers that he'd still rather go to the station.
All those pastels! Terry and his mother remind me of sweetener packets, yellow for Splenda, blue for Equal, and pink for Sweet 'n' Low. See how tight that sleeve is around her arm? |
[Terry didn't want to come back here. Neither did we, but at least we get paid for this.] |
"What doesn't he want you to say, Mrs. Pendleton?" |
After Malloy informs Mrs. Pendleton that Terry could go to jail for illegal possession of narcotics, she finally decides to confess that the pills are hers. She also confesses her dependence upon them. At first she only took a couple to help her sleep, but now she takes up to eighteen a day.
[Eighteen!?!? A day?] |
"I wouldn't be too upset about what's happened, Terry. It's just possible that you saved your mother's life." |
After they leave the Pendletons at the station to be dealt with by detectives, Pete and Jim return to the patrol. They receive a dispatch to meet 1-K-35 on tac 2. On the tac, Boyd asks them to meet him behind the service station at Shelby and Kelton.
At the meet spot, Boyd explains that he wants Pete and Jim to stakeout the gray stucco house down the street. They received a tip that the house belongs to Kegan's kid brother.
Almost an hour passes without a sign of Kegan. Reed wonders if he and Conway will show up at all.
"Only time will tell." |
When Pete sees a blue Mercury sedan, just like Quinn described, drive up the street he knows time has spoken. They watch from behind the service station as two men, one with red hair and another one with a beard, get out of the car and go into the stucco house. Reed radios 1-K-35 to find out when the detectives will arrive. He's told to standby for three minutes until they can get there. When Reed sees the two men leave the house with suitcases, he knows they can't wait one more minute, let alone three.
"Doesn't look like they're gonna standby." |
When he pulls the Belvedere behind the Mercury sedan the suspects both produce weapons and begin firing.
Reed hits the red-headed Kegan.
Mandy Patankin, sorry, Conway sees that his partner has been hit and surrenders.
Malloy gets ready to cuff a bad guy.
The detectives arrive and Reed states the obvious, they had to get started without them. Boyd notices that Reed hit Kegan in the leg.
"Yeah, must've had Quinn's name on it." |
The End
This is an easy one to breakdown:
The Good:
Pretty much everything. A great mix of drama, comedy, and action and we get to see Milner's and McCord's range of emotion through it all. At the liquor store both Malloy and Reed will stop at nothing to get the truth from the equivocatory Mr. Kegan. Their desire to find their comrades assailant and their frustration with the unhelpful Kegan is thoroughly evident. At the zoning dispute call, they're firm with Mrs. Wade on the law, yet helpful and sympathetic. Between those two calls, we've seen Malloy and Reed both protect (Quinn, Kegan, and anybody else who comes into contact with the gunman) and serve (Mrs. Wade).
With Mrs. Pendleton, they're frustrated again and I think I bit bewildered by her behavior, but their concern for Terry shines through. Finally, during the ultimate shootout with Kegan's brother and Conway there are no high-fives are smiles as the suspects are captured, just a distressed-looking Reed as he watches over the suspect he's just shot.
The Bad:
The title is the thing that bothers me the most about this episode. The "Sign of the Twins" is Gemini, not Leo, that's the sign of the lion. Now the title works if it isn't supposed to refer directly to the astrological signs that Mrs. Wade reads. Perhaps it's a reference to the duplicity displayed by some of the characters in the story. For instance, Kegan portrays himself as pacifist shop owner frustrated with the substandard protection his neighborhood receives. In reality, however, he's a man with misplaced loyalties trying to protect a brother who obviously cares nothing for him or any other human being. Mrs. Pendleton also presents a false "face" to the police during their first encounter. She makes herself out to be a harried, yet concerned mother when in reality she is a drug addict willing to use surreptitious means to supply her addiction.
I think "The Leo" or "Sign of the Scales" would have better titles. "Leo" because it could also stand for Law Enforcement Officer. "Scales" because with an October birthday, that is Pete's true astrological sign and it speaks to the scales of justice. Oh well, you can't have everything.
The Ugly:
Not Margaret O'Brien, I love her Vidal Sassoon-inspired haircut, it's that dress! |
So since I didn't have any major complaints about this one, I give it a rating of:
Do you agree? Let me know in the comments or Facebook or wherever, I just like to hear what everyone thinks about the episodes. See you next time with "Log 175: The Con Artists", the half-way point for season three!
I love this episode. I get to hear Pete say my name several times. Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteMy husband points out that if I would have married officer Quinn, my name would be Quinn Quinn. Which would be the weirdest thing ever.
The guy who plays the store owner is the same guy that Pete busts at Jimmy Eisleys house in the bathroom.
Mrs ugly pink dress tells them that her son is wearing a sport coat or something.. Not a windbreaker. A technicality but yeah.
Great blog as always!
Yes, she does say that it's a windbreaker. But, with the way she talks I figured she probably kept rambling and changed her mind on that 10 minutes after the scene ended.
DeleteYep, Stacy Harris was the heroin addict in Jimmy Eisley's bathroom. I just love him, no matter what role he's playing.
Of all the phony park rangers I know, Stacy Harris is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteHey, I just saw Kent McCord on an episode of Farscape. He was everywhere in the Science Fiction boom of the 90's.
He's my favorite fake ranger, too.
DeleteI think Kent was in a total of 10 Farscape episodes. My favorite Sci-Fi show that he appeared in was SeaQuest DSV, it's kinda like Star Trek underwater. The first season is very good and it is (or at least it was on Netflix). Maybe he pegged into those types of roles after Galactica 1980.
Kent plays an ex-astronaut in both Farscape and SeaQuest so my wife has decreed that they both take place in the same universe.
DeletePerhaps they do.
DeleteI remember Buddy Foster on Mayberry Rfd playing, was it Ken Berry son? I remember the rural purge in 1970 or 71 when CBS jettisoned all their rural programming in favor of more serious contemporary programming, or so they opined.
Delete1st off LEAVE JIM's hairy neck alone!!!!! It just needs a little smooch. FROM ME😜😜😜😜
ReplyDelete2nd. I know nothing about BRIDGE except drive on it to get over the river!!
3rd. Lots of us kids wore windbreakers back in my day . It was enough to take the chill off but not to much to make ya sweat. Plus the arms tied around the waist good!
4th. You're right he did-does look like MANDY PATANKIN!! I like him. I also like the pastel colors but yep looked like sweetener packets!! Another great job KEELY👍👍👍👍👍
All I know about bridge (the card game) is that mothers who play it on Adam-12 usually have sons that are in some sort of trouble. Like that woman who's son was robbing houses in "Log 75: Have a Nice Weekend".
DeleteLots of kids did wear windbreakers, but if you see anyone wearing one on Adam-12, kid or adult, they are usually up to no good.
Glad you liked the blog!
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ReplyDeleteGreat write-up as usual; along with the hokey women's jokes about Reed and Malloy, you always give some tidbits that add a little extra. Like your aside on Blake; he was a true vaudevillian who turned down the chance to have his act filmed because he feared it would end his stage career -- back in those days, with the dust of the Great Depression still sticking to everyone's clothes, that was his safety valve in case Hollywood didn't pan out. While serving in WW2, he was mustered aside to deal with a drinking problem, and would go on to be one of the founders of the Hollywood chapter of AA. He played so many cops that his face, when I first saw it a handful of episodes ago, brought to mind the gang at Car 54, Where Are You? (a true classic) yet by imdb.com he never appeared in it. However, he did play a cop who had to deal with Fred Gwynne in the Munsters, and appeared in The Love Bug, which also had a small policeman role for the disgusting yet funny Joe E. Ross. He wore the blue uniform in a tonne of shows, from Project UFO, Kojak, My 3 Sons and My Mother the Car. And he was married to the same woman for 46 years! That the episode also features the marvellous Margaret O'Brien, Tootie in Meet Me in St. Louis, was an extra bonus.
ReplyDeleteOf course, we all know that Martin Milner's birthday is December 28...which is 2 days before mine. Glad he was a fellow Capricorn. Also, he was born in Detroit...just like I was.